Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Tips About Finding the right insurance

protect your life...

Tips About Finding the Right Insurance


If you are looking around for a life insurance coverage and you still haven’t made your mind about what to prefer, you better read this article so that you would have the assurance that you will arrive at the best decision.  

To begin with, you have to know that there are actually two types of this kind of insurance. There is the term life which is actually the less expensive option. However, this would only be applicable in the event of the policy holder’s death and the fixed-length term is still active. If, on the other hand, the holder is still alive even at the end of the term, it is most likely that they will not be receiving any financial assistance at all. For those who have a family and have some commitment in the future, it would be best if they will run the coverage after it such as in the case of children’s education that comes to a close. 

Whole life insurance, on the other hand, is a policy that is actually valid even until the holder dies. This simply means that the company will be providing financial support for the loved ones you will lave behind. The provider will really make sure that the beneficiaries will be receiving premiums. Actually, here are some differences about this too since some companies will grant the premiums after a holder dies while there are also some that would wait for a certain age and they would be starting to grant the proceeds.

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Insurance Premiums

protect your life...

In the sense that there are several definitions of insurance premiums in the view of some insurance experts in Indonesia :

According Subagyo, et al. (1998: 84) The insurance premium is the money paid by the insured to the insurance company that can be determined in a certain way.
According Irmayanto July, et al. (1997: 144) premium is something given as a gift or charity or something that paid extra as a driver or a designer or pay anything extra above the normal payment.
by SoeisnoDjojosoedarso (2003: 127) as payment of insurance premiums the insured to the insurer, as a compensation fee for the transfer of insurance risk.
Thus the insurance premium will be :
1.    Compensation costs for the guarantee given by the insurer to the insured to replace the losses that may be suffered by the insured (insurance).
2.   Compensation costs for the guarantee of protection provided by the insured with an insurance company to provide a sum of money (benefit) against the risk of old age or death (in life insurance.)

Source :

Premiums are very important for the party, because the premiums collected from the insured (which pretty much) in a relatively long time, will form a fairly large number of funds, and insurance companies from the fund will be able to:
1.    Restore the insured to the economic position as before the loss.
2.    Protect the insured from bankruptcy in such a way that can stand in position as the country before the loss. The insured's premium is also very important because the premium to be paid is the cost element for him that would affect the activities / levels of consumption. Therefore, high and low premiums in general will be a major consideration to the insured if he would shut down the risk by insurance or not.

with a variety of insurance suits many choices you have available in this world, so choose wisely insurance that you want to use, which can help you in your life if it is necessary to ensure all the risks and responsibilities can be covered by a company sure that you choose.

 Source :


protect your life...


Insurance is a term used to refer to actions, systems, or business where the financial protection (or financial compensation) for life, health, property, and others seek help from the events that can not be expected to occur such as death, loss, damage or disease, which involves the payment of premiums on a regular basis within a specified period in exchange for policies that ensure protection.

insured term usually refers to anything that get protection

Insurers use actuarial science to calculate the risk they assume. Actuarial science uses mathematics, particularly statistics and probability, which can be used to cover risks to estimate the claim at a later date with reliable accuracy. For example, many people buy insurance policies for home and then they pay a premium to the insurance company. When you lose a protected place, insurers must pay claims. For some of the insured, the insurance benefits that they receive far greater than the amount paid to the insurance company. Others may not make a claim. If the average of all policies sold, the total claims paid less than the total premiums paid to the insured, with the only difference is in cost and profit.

Insurance companies also get a return on investment. It is obtained from investing premiums received until they have to pay the claim. This money is called "float". Insurers can benefit or loss from price changes in the float and also interest rate or dividend on the float. In the United States lost, property and death are recorded by insurance companies is U.S. $ 142,300,000,000 in the five years ended in 2003. However, total profits in the same period was U.S. $ 68400000000, as a result of these float.

In the insurance world there are 6 basic principles that must be met, namely:

* The right to insure Insurable interest, arising from a financial relationship, between the insured with the insured and legally recognized.
* Utmost good faith  An action to disclose accurate and complete, all material facts (material facts) about something that will be insured both requested and unsolicited. The meaning is: an honest insurance must clearly explain everything about the scope of the terms and conditions of insurance and the insured must also provide clear and accurate description of the objects or interests of the insured.
* Proximate cause A cause of active, efficient cause of a train of events which brings a result without the intervention started and working actively from a new and independent sources.
* Indemnity A mechanism by which the insurer provides financial compensation to place the insured in a financial position that he had immediately before the loss.
* Subrogation The transfer request from the insured to the insurer after a claim is paid.
* Rights of Contribution  of an insurance company to another insurance company to invite the same bear, but do not have the same obligation to the insured to participate in providing redress.

Some people consider insurance as a form of betting in force during the policy period. Insurance companies are betting that the property buyer will not be lost when the buyer pays cash. Differences fees paid to the insurance company against the amount they can receive when the accident happened almost the same as if someone bet on horse racing (eg, 10 to 1). For this reason, some religious groups including the Amish avoid insurance and rely on the support received by their communities when disasters occur. In a close community and a supportive relationship where people can help each other to rebuild lost property, this plan can work. Most people can not effectively support the system as above and this system will not work for large risks.